Our practice is to recognize achievement in the many forms it takes to successfully conduct a nation-wide effort such as ours. It is only through the dedicated and selfless time, effort, and abilities contributed by our many volunteers that we have been able to advance professional development and competence of intercollegiate and interscholastic officiating, and also advance and encourage the concept of service to the school game, to where it is today.
2022 Winners

NISOA Raymond Bernabei Honor Award
The NISOA Raymond Bernabei Honor Award is given annually to the most outstanding NISOA member who has contributed to and supported soccer above the call of duty nationally. This award is named in honor of Raymond Bernabei for the decades of service, dedication, and leadership he has given to NISOA and to intercollegiate and interscholastic soccer and soccer refereeing. The in- dividual nominated and selected for this award must: (a) have given at least 10 years of meritorious service to soccer, (b) be known by his/her products, (c) be known by his/her writings, and (d) have been connected with and helpful to NISOA, its goals, objectives, and programs.
NISOA Past Presidents Award
NISOA recognizes the efforts and dedication of each of our Presidents, all of whom are volunteers. We are especially grateful to these dedicated NISOA members, because of the leadership all of them have provided, which has kept NISOA on a sure path to the peerless professional development soccer referee organization it has become.
NISOA Hall of Fame Award
The NISOA Hall of Fame award is given to one NISOA member annually, who may be nom- inated in either of two categories: Referee or Administrator.
The criteria for nomination to the NISOA Hall of Fame in the Referee category specifies that the nominee shall: (1) have high moral characteristics; (2) demonstrate traits of professionalism; (3) adhere to the NISOA Code of Ethics; (4) have demonstrated excellent field performance; (5) have demonstrated outstanding people management skills; (6) be a NISOA Member for at least 15 consecutive years; (7) have refereed more than 75 high-level, competitive games; (8) have refereed at least one Final or Semi- Final game (Men or Women) at any of the following: NCAA Division I, II, or III, NAIA, NJCAA, or NCCAA.
The criteria for nomination to the NISOA Hall of Fame in the Administrative category specifies that the nominee shall: (1) have dedicated self to the development of the game by personal action and words; (2) be representative of unquestionable character; (3) have demonstrated outstanding leadership ability; (4) be exemplary of American citizenship; (5) adhere to the NISOA Code of Ethics; (6) have contributed to either or both the intercollegiate and interscholastic soccer games at the local or national level; (7) have been a member in good standing of NISOA for at least ten years; and (8) have served NISOA in some official capacity (other than referee) for at least eight years.
NISOA Recognition Award
This award is open to be presented to any individual who has contributed to the welfare of soccer and who would not be considered likely to receive the annual NISOA Raymond Bernabei Honor Award. Each Local NISOA Chapter may submit a nominee to be considered, along with supporting documentation. No more than three awards are to be given annually.
NISOA Robert Sumpter Excellence in Teaching Award
This award is made annually to an individual who has been a NISOA member for 10 years or more; served as a NISOA Local, Regional or National Clinician for eight years or more; demon- strated over the tenure as a NISOA Clinician the traits personifying Robert Sumpter: honesty, in- tegrity, scholarly, trustworthy; and promotes the goals and objectives of NISOA, i.e., Service First. The award is named in honor of Robert Sumpter for the decades of service, dedication, and leader- ship he has given to NISOA programs and initiatives that have strengthened the development of intercollegiate and interscholastic soccer officiating nationwide.
NISOA Life Membership Award
This award is made annually to a maximum of two inductees who are selected and meet the fol- lowing criteria: (1) is a member, or former member, of NISOA with total tenure for at least 20 years; (2) nomination must come from an NISOA Local Chapter; (3) must have served NISOA in an official capacity nationally, regionally, or locally for at least 20 years; (4) must have demonstrated outstand- ing leadership ability; and (5) must have contributed by promoting the improvement of intercollegiate and/or interscholastic soccer officiating on the local and national level.
NISOA Distinguished Service Award
This award is presented annually to an individual (either NISOA member or non-member) who has contributed to the welfare of soccer. Criteria include the following personal characteristics: (1) unquestionable moral character; (2) demonstrates outstanding leadership skills in a given pro- fession or position; (3) displays outstanding appearance; (4) displays exemplary American citizen- ship; (5) shows a positive attitude; and (6) presents self as a role model. The service criteria are: (7) known for higher product; (8) known for his/her contribution to the sport of soccer; and (9) given at least ten years of service to his/her profession.
NISOA Mario Donnangelo Interscholastic Referee of the Year Award
NISOA annually confers this award upon an interscholastic referee who is a member of NISOA. The award is named to honor Mario Donnangelo for the decades of service to and leadership of NISOA programs and referee development efforts that have strengthened soccer officiating nation- wide. The nominee selected must meet the following criteria: (1) must have been a NISOA member of the Interscholastic Division for at least two years; (2) must be recognized by his/her peers and interscholastic coaches as an outstanding interscholastic official for a minimum of five years; (3) must have contributed to the improvement of interscholastic soccer officiating by serving as an of- ficer, committee chair, or clinician for at least five years; (4) must be representative of unquestion- able character and demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities; and (5) must have attended an NISOA-sponsored camp, clinic, or workshop during tenure as an NISOA interscholastic member.
NISOA Certificate of Appreciation Award
This award is presented to any NISOA Member who retires and no longer serves the NISOA Local Chapter or the national organization in any capacity as a referee, assessor, clinician, or ad- ministrator, and has been an NISOA Member for a minimum of twenty years.
NISOA Rosella E. Beranabei Woman Referee of the Year Award
This award honors the memory of NISOA Hall of Fame member Rosella E. Bernabei* by annually recognizing a female NISOA Intercollegiate Referee as the “NISOA Woman Referee-of-the Year. The criteria include that the nominee: (1) demonstrates professional conduct on the field; (2) shows a high degree of integrity; (3) abides by the NISOA Code of Ethics; (4) shows positive attitude towards the NISOA Programs; (5) represents NISOA as a Role Model; (6) is registered as an NISOA National Referee Emeritus, National Referee Applicant, National Referee Candidate, or National Referee; (7) officiated post-season college soccer tournament games; (8) wears the NISOA patch with pride; and (8) receives high evaluations from both NISOA Assessor’s and college soccer Coaches.
NISOA Regional Referee of the Year Award
This award is made annually to one NISOA Referee from each NISOA Region. The criteria in- cludes that the nominated NISOA Referee: (1) demonstrates professionalism on and off the field; (2) shows fairness and a high degree of integrity; (3) abides by the NISOA Code of Ethics; (4) is will- ing to help other officials to succeed; (5) is well versed in the Rules and their Interpretation; (6) shows a positive attitude towards NISOA Programs; (7) always presents self as a positive role model; (8) is an active NISOA official; (9) displays outstanding mental and physical fitness skills; (10) dis- plays outstanding appearance; (11) officiated high level college soccer games; (12) always wears the NISOA badge at game assignments with pride; (13) officiated more than 50 college soccer games; (14) receives high evaluations from coaches and NISOA assessors ; and (15) officiated post-season regional tournament games.
NISOA NSCAA National Merit Award
This award is given annually to one currently active college and one currently active high school coach whose reputations are recognized by soccer officials as praiseworthy and reflective of the high- est standards of professional and ethical behavior. Criteria for nomination and selection are that the coach must: (1) be currently active at any level of the game from high school through professional; (2) have been a member of the NSCAA for a minimum of five years; (3) have a minimum of five years coaching experience; and (4) have earned a reputation for fairness, honesty, and integrity in his/her relationships with athletes, fellow coaches, and soccer officials.
NISOA Charles Lee NJCAA Coach Merit Award
This award was first implemented for the 2007 season, and is given to an NJCAA Coach who has worked diligently to improve Junior College Soccer, for the betterment of the student athletes participating in their intercollegiate soccer program, and for the growth and development of the NJCAA, its goals and objectives. The award is named in honor of long-time NISOA member Charles Lee* of New Jersey, to recognize his outstanding career-long services to NISOA, and his long-term work on behalf of NISOA as liaison with the junior colleges nationwide, the NJCAA and their Na- tional Tournaments to maintain and upgrade the competency level of the NISOA Referees servicing the junior college game. Criteria for selection includes that the Coach must: (1) be currently active as an NJCAA Coach; (2) have been a member of the NCJAA for a minimum of five years; (3) have a minimum of five years coaching experience; and (4) have earned a reputation for fairness, honesty and integrity in his/her relationships with student-athletes, fellow coaches, and soccer officials.
NISOA C. Frank Jewell NCCAA Coach of the Year Award
This award is given annually to an NCCAA Coach whose reputation is recognized by soccer of- ficials as praiseworthy and reflective of the highest standards of professional and ethical behavior. Being named in honor of C. Frank Jewell, the award is dedicated to and also recognizes his out- standing, career-long contributions to NISOA and his long-time achievements as NISOA liaison to the NCCAA. Criteria for the award include that the Coach selected must: (1) be currently active as an NCCAA Coach; (2) have been a member of the NCCAA for a minimum of five years; (3) have a minimum of five years coaching experience; and (4) have earned a reputation for fairness, honesty and integrity in his/her relationships with student-athletes, fellow coaches, and soccer officials.
Terry Vaughn NISOA Referee of the Week Award
The award recognizes NISOA members for outstanding performances on the field as well as their dedication and work off the field supporting the local soccer referee community.