Be The Change
Join us for the 2024 NCAA Women’s College Cup Referee Seminar brought to you by NISOA and commit to being a Game ChangHER!
Meet our Keynote Speaker
For this year’s College Cup NISOA Seminar, keynotes will be two World Cup Final Referees, for the Women’s Event Dec. 5th-8th, keynote address will be given by 2015 Women’s World Cup Referee Kateryna Monzul from Ukraine. Kateryna’s story is one of resilience, grit and determination. Recently coming off her tenure as a FIFA Instructor at the Paris Olympics, she will join officials to share her perspective of being a top match official in the world.
Meet our Distinguished Guests & Staff
Meet the Attendees
Paige Bell
Paloma Bermudez
Taylor Bombalski
Cecilia Chavez
Nissa Finnell
Yophiyyah Fish
Sarah Fraser
Dana Hackney
Kiah Haslett
Sonya Hedrick
Kaitlyn Herrera
Shaye Lane
Alexa Liguori
Ariel Little
Amanda McGeehan
Xiana Pang-Abas
Sage Pfingsten
Megan Reiter
Laura Renken
Shevah Rezaee
Kylie Rhodes
Celeste Roberts
Nikki Schuppan
Ashley Smyda
Laura Snyder
Ana Valdez
Anna Wawrzyniak
Corina Willner
Thank you to our Event Sponsors & Supporters!
Interested in become an Event Sponsor?
The Women’s College Cup Referee Seminar is brought to you by NISOA but would not be possible without the support of our sponsors & partners! If you’re interested in supporting the event, please send us an email and let us know how you’d like to get involved!
Check out the 2024 Event!
What are others saying?
Listen below to past attendees share their experiences at previous Women's World Cup Seminars Check out what past attendees are saying about their experiences at the Women’s College Cup Referee Seminar. Hear from FIFA Referee, Alex Biliter and FIFA Assistant Referee and former Men's College Cup Assistant Referee, Salma Perez.
FIFA Assistant Referee & former Men’s College Cup Assistant Referee Salma Perez
FIFA Referee Alex Billiter
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I apply to attend the 2024 Women’s College Cup Seminar?
Attendees this year were hand selected based on recommendations from conference coordinators, NCAA staff, and NISOA Staff.
Since it’s the Women's College Cup Referee Seminar, are only women allowed to attend?
We are thrilled to have 100% female attendees at this year’s event!
What’s the schedule?
The schedule will sent to attendees and will include working visitRaleigh.com Showcase matches, classroom sessions, and more!
What does it cost?
There is no cost to attendees to attend this event to remove the barrier of development opportunities for aspiring officials
If I’m not a NISOA member can I still come?
This year’s seminar event is only open to NISOA members but aspiring members can apply to officiate at the showcase event where our seminar staff will be mentoring and coaching referees here: https://forms.gle/SiR6rMALofNiG7FN6
Will there be any additional guests/presenters?
Yes! We’ll have several special guests including several D1 coordinators, NCAA Leadership, NCAA Coordinator of Officials, and more! Stay tuned to this page as updates will be made as more information is made available from Special Guests to Schedule updates!