What are the membership requirements for joining NISOA?
Effective as of August 4, 2020
There are several requirements for membership. They include:
Apply for membership through a Chapter or a Regional Board.
Submit 2 letters of recommendation from the following: A NISOA member in good standing with at least five years’ experience of officiating, NISOA Assessor, or NISOA Clinician OR Submit 1 recommendation from a NISOA or Conference Assignor.
Pass the NISOA Qualifying Exam with a score of at least 75%.
Obtain at least three years of game experience at the high school level or U17 and higher in USSF games. Officiate as a referee in at least 25 games at the high school, competitive, amateur, professional, or other games that the Chapter deems to be at the appropriate competitive level.The games selected to meet the 25 game requirement must include a combination of officiated games as both referee and assistant referee at these levels.
Meet the NISOA requirement for the physical fitness test or be exempt from the NISOA test based the equivalent USSF fitness test based on the NISOA policy.
Complete all of the above requirements within nine months of the initial date of application.
Submit all dues and fees.
Be at least 18 years of age.
Any USSF National or PRO referee is automatically qualified for membership and is not required to complete the above except for A, C, and G
All applicants must apply through a local chapter.
How do I find or contact a local NISOA chapter?
Use our Chapter Locator tool
If I am a member of NISOA how many games am I entitled to receive each year?
Game assignments are the prerogative of the local chapter, local or conference assignor. Membership does not guarantee any intercollegiate game assignments.
I am an active member of NISOA. What requirements must I meet to maintain being a member in good status?
To renew as an intercollegiate soccer official with the National Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association, each member must meet the following requirements:
Attend three mandatory local Chapter meetings;
Take the NISOA Refresher Test (No Pass; No Fail);
Take the NISOA Fitness Performance Test or equivalent as approved by NISOA;
Pay annual local Chapter dues and national dues;
At the discretion of the local Chapter, any renewal member who fails to meet the minimum passing grade on the NISOA Physical Performance Test may be placed on probation; he/she may then be assigned one game as an official (Referee or Assistant Referee) and be assessed on the one game. If the official passes the assessment, he/she shall be declared a full member and taken off of probation. In event the member fails to meet the minimum passing grade, he/she may retake the test within six months of the date of failure.
How much does it cost to join NISOA and remain a member?
The initial membership fee is broken into two parts. A $110 dues and a minimum of $120 referee kit purchase. Renewal dues are $85 to the National office plus any local dues and fees.
Does NISOA provide insurance?
Yes, please contact your chapter leadership for the policy information.