George Noujaim
CA - 2001
1975 - Present NISOA Member1975 – present: NISOA Executive Board
1990 National Assessor
1994 – National Referee Program Director
1995 Cal South ISOA Board
1996 Organized Alaska Chapter
1997 Developed Teaching Video-Tape-NSCAA Nat. Acad.
1998 NCAA Liaison and National Clinician
2001- NISOA Honor Award
2002 NISOA/NSHOF Inductee
1988,1989,1996,1997,1999,2000 NCAA Division III Women’s Championship NCAA DII Women’s Championship
1993, 1995 NCAA DII Men’s Championship
1994,1995,1996,2000 Women’s D1 Championship
NAIA Championship 4 Years — World Intercollegiate Finals 2 Years
2001—NISOA/National Soccer Hall of Fame Inductee