Nancy Dugas-Fortin
CT - 2001
1977 - Present High School Soccer Referee
1988 - 89 Vice President, High School Board of Officials
1990 - 91 President, High School Board (WMBOASO)
1994 - Present: High School Clinician
1996 - Present High School Assignment Committee
1999 - Present Nat. Fed. of High Schools Staff: National Clinician
2000 Chair, High School Board, Awards Committee
1987 - Present NISOA Member
1989 - 2005 NISOA National Referee
2006 - NISOA National Emeritus Referee
1990 - Present NISOA National Clinician
1993 - Present NISOA Referee Training Camp Clinician
1993 - 95 NISOA Assistant Director of Instruction
2000 - Present NSCAA Academy /NISOA Clinician
1989 - 2000 Officiated 8 Women's National Tournament Finals NCAA Division I, II, III; NAIA; NJCAA
2000 NISOA/National Soccer Hall of Fame Inductee