2020 Summer Educational Series Announcement

We are pleased to announce the 2020 Summer Educational Series. This year is unusual in that due to various COVID-19 safety guidelines and regulations in place throughout the country, NISOA has reverted to a web-based educational program.

The Summer Educational Series will focus on the NCAA rule changes for the upcoming season. This cycle of rule changes is one of the most expansive in recent memory. Many of these rule changes were to align with the International Football Association Board (IFAB) in order to provide a consistent interpretation of rules being played throughout the world, however, there are still differences between the two sets of rules/laws that are must be understood.

The Summer Educational Series focusing on specifically the rule changes will be broken down into 4 sessions as shown below, culminating with a live Q&A session that will encompass all the rule changes for the 2020 season. All sessions are scheduled for 1 hour in duration. They will be recorded and uploaded to NISOA’s YouTube Channel for later viewing.

July 11, 2020 5:00 PM EDT - Session I - 2020 NCAA Rules Changes – NCAA-IFAB Similarities/Differences, Handball
July 18, 2020 Noon EDT - Session II - 2020 NCAA Rules Changes – Violent Behavior and Video Review
July 25, 2020 5:00 PM EDT - Session III - 2020 NCAA Rules Changes – Restarts – Dropped Ball, Goal Kicks, Free Kicks inside the Penalty Area and Penalty Kicks
August 2, 2020 5:00 PM EDT - Session IV - Live Q&A

In addition to the sessions above, NISOA and ECSR have teamed up to joint host 2 webinars starting on June 20, 2020 at 5:00 PM EDT and August 2, 2020  at 11:00 AM EDT. These webinars will be roughly 2 hours in length. This will be a great opportunity to learn about the ever-changing collegiate soccer landscape from Power 5 Conference Assignors.

Additionally, later this summer, Amanda Ross, National Director of Assessments, will be hosting webinars on July 15 & August 5, focusing on recertification for our Regional and National Assessors.

Also available for our membership will be educational webinars focusing on various development topics presented by some of the top referees and instructors within the soccer referee community such as Alex Prus, Corey Rockwell, Mark Kadlecik, and Ted Unkel. These webinars will be no more than 90 minutes in duration. Dates for these educational opportunities are as follows:

June 20, 2020 Noon EDT - Alex Prus Managing the Modern Game
June 23, 2020 8:30 PM EDT - Ted Unkel Penalty Area Incidents
July 7, 2020 8:30 PM EDT - Mark Kadlecik Communication Devices Best Practices
July 14, 2020 8:30 PM EDT - Corey Rockwell Effective Team Communication

Registration for all of the educational opportunities can be found using the link below:

2020 NISOA Summer Educational Series Registration Portal

You will receive additional logistical information 1 week prior to the registered educational opportunity(ies). Our goal is to fully prepare the membership in anticipation for the start of the season. We strongly encourage our membership to take advantage of the 4 live sessions, the joint hosting webinars, and the topic focused educational webinars mentioned above.

Special “thank you” to our friends at Neverends Production, NISOA’s official broadcast partner, for the logistical support with our Summer Educational Series.

As previously announced by President Gary Huber, attendance at each of the sessions focusing on the rule changes will satisfy your local chapter preseason rules presentation. We hope the membership takes advantage of our extensive Summer Educational series and we look forward to “virtually seeing” everyone on June 20, 2020

Dr. Todd K. Abraham, NISOA Senior Director of Instruction


In Memoriam; Ab Leonard


Amanda Ross Appointed as NISOA Director of Assessment